© 2013-2024 Ann Haley.tandem (INSTALLATION) from Ann Haley on Vimeo.
Co-Directed by Ann Haley + Harley Holiday
Cinematography by Marion Forbes + Kelsey Scult
Edited by Kelsey Scult
Ft. Sabine
7 minutes 43 seconds (looped)
Installation Documentation by Lily Brooks
tandem from Ann Haley on Vimeo.
Co-Directed by Ann Haley + Harley Holiday
Cinematography by Marion Forbes + Kelsey Scult
Edited by Kelsey Scult
Ft. Sabine
7 minutes 43 seconds (looped)

take your time from Ann Haley on Vimeo.
do your exercises (take your time), 11 min, 46 sec (looped), 2020
Hypertonic State from Ann Haley on Vimeo.
Hypertonic State, 4:42, looped, 2017
a rubber band is stretched to its capacity,
and then
it rips.
Ride (Full Bladder), (Pink) from Ann Haley on Vimeo.
Friday, August 15, 2014
We went through something today.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
It was a pink kind of sound.
Friday, August 15, 2014
We went through something today.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
It was a pink kind of sound.

44 x 33 inches
Acrylic on canvas and video (4:33, looped)
I Don't Think You're Ready For This Jelly from Ann Haley on Vimeo.
An exploration of a relationship between performance interaction with video projection and large scale oil painting to investigate the threshold between a gesture with paint and a digital mediated image through systems of chance and reaction.
Oil on canvas and video (6 min, looped)
72 x 72 inches
bird slapping from Ann Haley on Vimeo.
This is a video installation that came out of a performance piece. I filmed birds and created a collaged video of my footage and projected it onto an ink drawing of the projected video. Using long sticks dipped in sumi ink, my intention was to capture the essence of the birds' movement, specifically relying on chance.

Sumi ink on paper and video (13 min)
48 x 72 inches